COVID products - News release

French technology firm releases people counting system to control people density in retail stores, helping retail managers to quickly meet the new “protocole sanitaire”

Innovative technology firm Tredecile has today announced the release of its People Density Calculator solution.
Density Calculator

The system automates the counting of people going in and out of shops and sends signals to large information panels to indicate when more people can enter the shop, or when they must wait.

The system uses Tredecile’s state of the art people counting devices, linked to a local gateway with a web-based software interface that allows the shop to set the size of its floor area and the permitted number of people per square metre. The system then takes care of the rest.

By automating the process, retailers gain many benefits. Tredecile claims counting accuracy as high as 98%, which is far more accurate than staff positioned at entrances doing manual counts. Big, bold signs at entrances to the store give consumers confidence that their health is being taken seriously. That reflects well on a store’s brand image. It also encourages maximum footfall, which in turn helps the store to run at its optimum available capacity, leading to higher takings at the cash register.

Privacy and GDPR-compliance are always key concerns for the retail sector. Unlike CCTV cameras, Tredecile people counting devices do not capture a lifelike image and cannot identify the identity of an individual person. Instead, their technology uses 3D depth sensing to assimilate people entering and leaving a zone or building. It is this technology that enables Tredecile to attain counting accuracy of up to 98%. The technology works well in poorly lit environments, and unlike competing technologies, does not require high levels of ambient lighting for accurate counting results. Using a depth image also enables Tredecile to conduct advanced filtering to remove unwanted items from the count, such as shopping carts, or static items in the field of view.

Dr Max Ruffo, founder and CEO of Tredecile says; “We have deep expertise with sensing technology and how to apply it to solve complex problems. I’m proud of our team for the speed at which they have adapted our People Counting solutions to address the COVID-19 crisis. We are ready to play our part in helping retailers to trade as safely and efficiently as possible.”

Beyond the Covid-19 response, the People Counting L device can be repurposed to capture footfall patterns for retail analytics.

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In response to the global pandemic, Tredecile has also devised solutions for fast and contactless fever screening, workplace distancing and gesture recognition interfaces that reduce or eliminate the need for people to touch screens and information panels.

About Tredecile:

Tredecile digitizes movement to enable digital transformation. Mastering multiple sensing technologies, Tredecile provides sensor modules and sensor-based solutions for industry 4.0, smart buildings, smart agriculture, mobile robotics – and during this global pandemic, Covid-19 relief.

Founded in 2012, the company is constantly innovating and today employs more than 50 people from its headquarters in Pays de Gex, close to Geneve. Tredecile is a CERN Technology Partner and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 850014. Visit for more information. Press enquiries should be directed to

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