Product launches

Tredecile announces expanded line of Evo Sensors

March 04, 2021, Saint Genis-Pouilly, France (next to CERN and Geneva airport)

French sensor solutions technology company, Tredecile, has announced the expansion of its line of single-pixel Evo sensors, adding mid-range Time-of-Flight distance sensors in response to market demand.
depth sensor

New products

TeraRanger Evo 40m  

TeraRanger Evo 40m, a versatile, long-range Time-of-Flight distance sensor. With its 40 meter detection range and an update rate of up to 240Hz, it offers high-performance in a compact and low-cost design. This sensor module is ideally suited to navigation and collision-avoidance for robotics, level sensing applications and a host of other IoT applications. (Price 69 EUR)

TeraRanger Evo 15m 

With a 15-meter range in a lightweight (12 grams) and low-cost design, TeraRanger Evo 15m provides high-performance for distance sensing in the low to mid-range. It is ideal for integration into indoor or outdoor drones, robotics and level monitoring applications. (Price 53 EUR)

New pricing for existing products

TeraRanger Evo 60m  

TeraRanger Evo 60m is Tredecile’s longest range Time-of-Flight sensor. Thanks to its 60 meter detection range, achievable within low-sunlight conditions, it is often used as a range finder, navigation and collision-avoidance tool for robotics, but also for materials stock level sensing. (Price 99 EUR)

TeraRanger Evo 3m  

With its 10 cm to 3 m range, fixed 100Hz update rate and greater accuracy, TeraRanger Evo 3m is perfectly suited to higher speed close-range distance sensing applications. It is small with a lightweight form-factor. Applications include presence and proximity detection, object detection/counting and robot navigation. (Price 53 EUR)

“In LIDAR technology, detection range is often the first parameter people consider when it comes to assessing sensors. To give customers the widest choice in their applications, Tredecile has developed a full line of distance sensors from short- to long-range, with a detection range from 10cm to 60m,” said Greg Watts, Marketing Director, Tredecile.

There is not a panacea to distance sensing, which is why Tredecile offers more than one solution. Some are optimised for close range, some for longer range, some are optimised for speed, or other attributes depending on the target application. We are always striving to provide the best possible performance at a market-leading price.

All Tredecile single-pixel Evo sensors can be mounted to the USB, I2C and UART clip-on interchangeable interfaces (more available on demand).

Product safety and other benefits 

Tredecile distance sensors use Infrared LED technology, rather than laser emitters bringing benefits to:

  • Eye-safety: Tredecile sensors are eye-safe in all conditions with no need for Laser Class 1 safety precautions.
  • Field of View: Rather than measuring a very small point, the emitted light is spread to form a Field of View and measured over an area, providing a more stable data stream in many use cases.
  • Low power consumption: LEDs are energy efficient, great for power-saving and battery-powered applications.

Product retirement

TeraRanger One, TeraRanger Duo and TeraRanger 600 Hz will be withdrawn from the market, replaced by this new, wider offering. 

About Tredecile

Tredecile digitizes movement to enable digital transformation. Mastering multiple sensing technologies, Tredecile provides sensor modules and sensor-based solutions for Industry 4.0, smart buildings, smart agriculture, mobile robotics – and during this global pandemic, Covid-19 relief.

Founded in 2012, the company is constantly innovating and today employs more than 50 people from its headquarters in Pays de Gex, close to Geneva. Tredecile is a CERN Technology Partner and has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 850014. Visit for more information. 

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