Tredecile showcased its newest IoT solutions at TRANSFO Festival on January 24th

The event was organized by InnoxGex, CERN’s entrepreneurial incubator and featured eight companies focused on digital transformation products and services and each was afforded the chance to pitch their latest innovations.
3d mapping camera

Tredecile presented its latest projects in distance measurement, absolute positioning systems and people counting. Live data from a Tredecile sensor installed at InnoGex was presented to the audience to show monthly, weekly, daily and hourly visitor counts. The pilot project is helping us shape future applications for smart cities, smart buildings and room occupancy optimization.

This event opened up new possibilities for retail and FMCG. Since our 3D cameras and sensors measure depth, they allow software to recognize shapes like humans, animals or objects, but not individuals faces. Subsequently, our solutions can be trusted to protect privacy and respect European data protection regulations.

Perhaps your industry could benefit from an anonymous people counting solution? If so, please contact us here
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