Customer & partner stories

Tredecile takes the Innorobo buzz to AUTOMATICA

Our participation at Innorobo in Paris this month was an absolute thrill. In my 20 years of exhibiting at various trade shows I have never been so busy, spoken to so many people and taken so many business cards. And I wasn’t on my own. We took a team of five people – and we were all flat-out busy!
arduino distance sensor

We know our technology is innovative (and disruptive), but it was great to have this affirmed by so many industry experts at the show. Really capturing people’s imagination was TeraRanger Tower – the new simultaneous, multi-axis scanner capable of replacing conventional rotating LiDAR scanners for mapping, SLAM and collision avoidance. With 270Hz scan rates, no moving parts and zero noise it’s a very different approach. You can see an introduction here.

We attracted plenty of press attention too with articles in EE Times, Sciences et Avenir, Le Monde, Forbes and more besides, building nicely on the coverage we already received at CeBIT earlier this year. Click on the logos below to read the stories.

The buzz surrounding Tredecile – and the TeraRanger products – is getting more and more intense! Next up is AUTOMATICA in Munich, June 21st to 24th. Why not take the chance to stop by and see for yourself just what all the buzz is about. We are on stand 430G in hall B4.

• Innorobo
• SciencesEtAvenir Innorobo
• LeMonde Innorobo
• Forbes Innorobo
• IEEESpectrum Innorobo
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