Partners - People counting

IAConnects integrates Tredecile People Counting L-XL and People Counting M devices into their IoT offering

IAConnects People Counting

Tredecile People Counting L-XL and People Counting M have been integrated into the product portfolio of IAConnects, a world leader in IoT solutions combining hardware, project and software solutions into a single platform.

“IAconnects are happy to offer Tredecile people counting devices on our platform as it provides our customers with a wider choice of solutions,” said Peter Smith, Head of Sales and Marketing, IAConnects. 

IAConnects has over 20 years Internet of Things experience of deploying intelligent control systems using open standards.

Tredecile People Counting devices on the IAConnects platform

“We are delighted that the Tredecile People Counting L-XL and the People Counting M device are available through the IAConnects platform, providing a wider reach into the IoT world,” said Greg Watts, Head of Marketing & Technical Sales, Tredecile.

The integration of Tredecile People Counting devices into the IAConnects IoT platform means that IAConnects clients can benefit from the company’s long and successful track record of deploying intelligent control systems using open standards, giving a wealth of experience and extensive knowledge of both open standards and control systems.

IAConnects People Counting L-XL

Tredecile People Counting L-XL key features

  • GDPR compliant by design
  • Features 3D depth people counting sensor
  • Multi-device support for wide door counting
  • Easy to install and configure via Web GUI
  • Effective in low light conditions
  • Two status LEDs for easy troubleshooting
  • Remote device management and firmware updates via Device Management Services
  • Power supply and data via Power over Ethernet interface
  • Powerful people counting algorithm with 98% accuracy

Tredecile People Counting M key features

  • GDPR-compliant by design
  • Uses 3D depth sensing (no camera used)
  • Ethernet and WiFi connectivity
  • Easy-to-install and configure through a Web GUI
  • Easy-to-read status LEDs
  • Remote device management and firmware updates via Device Management Services
  • Direct data integration to Cloud and servers via HTTP or MQTT

Want to know more?

Contact Tredecile if you’re an integrator or a solution provider looking for a new, easy-to-install competitive people counting device for your clients.

Contact TredecileContact Tredecile
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