Presenting an industry view at SPIE

June 27th, 2017, Munich, Germany: Once again, Tredecile is invited to present at another high-profile industry event. This time, Tredecile CEO, Max Ruffo is presenting Optical sensors for robotics and automotive applications – An industrial perspective at SPIE, Munich. SPIE is the world-renowned international society for optics and photonics and their conferences are attended by leading figures in both academia and industry.
optical distance sensor

Max Ruffo comments; “It is an honour to be asked to present by organisations such as SPIE and IROS (the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, widely regarded as the leading conference on robotics globally). Clearly, as a sensor and sensing solutions company at the forefront of optical sensors, we have a very direct and tangible experience to share, not only from a technology standpoint, but from a commercial one too. Photonics and their application in the field of robotics, automation and the growing sectors of IoT and smart connected devices is moving very quickly and we are pleased to share our experience and to participate in these conferences.”

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