See us at two events in Lyon, April 2017

We are very comfortable with simultaneous activities, whether it is our sensors monitoring multiple axis, or attending trade shows! From April 4th to 7th 2017 we’ll be in Lyon, France, simultaneously showcasing our TeraRanger sensors and solutions at INDUSTRIE and SIdO!INDUSTRIE is the premier European event for production technologies while SIdO is an international showroom solely dedicated to the Internet of Things. Come and see our small size, high-speed and lower-cost 2D & 3D distance sensing solutions and the vital role they can play in the 4th industrial revolution, IoT, smart systems and many other robotics and automation applications! TeraRanger Time-of-Flight distance sensor modules provide an unrivalled level of performance for their size, weight and price-point. A TeraRanger One distance sensor weighs just 8 grams, can take up to 1000 distance readings per second and measure distances up to 14 metres.
temperature sensor

The sensors also benefit from an easy to use, modular approach to multi-axis and multi-sensor configurations. Users can connect up to eight sensors to a central hub and receive a stream of calibrated distances in mm. This modular approach is at the heart of the TeraRanger Tower, Tredecile’s alternative to traditional LiDAR scanners. With no motors or other moving parts, TeraRanger Tower is lightweight, robust and lower cost.We look forward to meeting with you in Lyon.
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