Tredecile Robot Positioning System

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Improve localization and navigation with Tredecile radio-frequency absolute positioning. Turn location data into valuable insights to improve your mobile robot navigation.

Tredecile Robot Positioning System is a radio-frequency absolute positioning system to improve the localization and navigation of mobile robots. Equipped with Ultra wideband technology scalable to 32 anchors, it can cover up to 1600m2 area with just 4 anchors. (1600m2 as each anchor to anchor distance is 40m). This enables you to identify and track the vehicle’s location inside a facility, in real time.

Designed for accuracy, the system allows mobile robots to navigate safely without pre-mapped routes. A tracker beacon is installed on each vehicle and a number of anchors placed within the facility. Much like GPS, the tracker trilaterates with the anchors, but at high speed and with centimeter accuracy.