TeraRanger One aids vision-based drone intelligence

TeraRanger One is being put through its paces by a team from Prague Technical University as they compete in one of the world’s leading robotics events; the Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics (MBZIR) Competition in March 2017. The team of engineers has chosen the TeraRanger One sensor to complement their vision-based systems in the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle challenges, helping them to perform tasks without human interaction.
optical sensor array

The prestigious MBZIR competition, which take places in Abu-Dhabi, gathers leading robotic research institutions from all around the world. It is intended to demonstrate the current state of the art in robotics in terms of science and technological accomplishments, as well as inspire future developments in robotics. The total prize pool is USD 5 million.The video demonstrates preparations by the Prague team and shows two of the UAV challenges they must complete. The first is to land a drone on the roof of a moving vehicle, fully autonomously and without pilot intervention! The second requires a team of drones to perform cooperative object recognition, collection and delivery. In both cases TeraRanger One sensors provide the drones’ vision-based systems with fast and precise distance-to-target readings, allowing them to determine the depth and scale of the vision-based data.

For the MBZIR competition, the Prague Technical University team collaborates with partners from Lincoln University and Pennsylvania University. Tredecile wishes to thank Prague Technical University for allowing us to re-use and edit their original video and images and wish the teams success in the upcoming tournament.
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