TeraRanger One helps ensure vineyard health with drone-based solution

Tredecile is proud to support Chouette on their quest to keep every vineyard healthy! Thanks to their drone vineyard health monitoring solution, it is possible to prevent the spread of diseases that could potentially ruin hectares of vines and months of work.
linear sensor array

To achieve this, they use TeraRanger One as a precision altimeter. Compared to laser-based systems with a very narrowfield of view, the TeraRanger solution provides a much smoother and more stable relative altitude as the drone alternates between flight over the ground and over the vines. Smoother flight improves the data acquisition process whilst also contributing to longer flight autonomy. This, combined with TeraRanger One’s low weight (just 8g) and low power consumption is helping the team at Chouette to achieve one hour flight times!
structured light sensor camera

The Chouette team has produced this very nice video showing their platform in action and the services they provide ensuring vineyard health using drones.
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