Tredecile presented its TeraRanger sensors at the iREX show for robotics in Tokyo, Japan

Tredecile presented its TeraRanger sensors at the iREX show for robotics in Tokyo, Japan, November 29th to December 2nd. It was our first time at iREX, one of the biggest shows globally for mobile and industrial robotics, with a reported 130,000 visitors across the four days!
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The distinctive design of the yellow and black TeraRanger sensors never failed to draw a crowd where the response to our products was outstandingly positive. iREX was also the first robotics show at which we had presented our latest distance sensor, TeraRanger Evo. Weighing from just 9 grams, TeraRanger Evo can reach distances of up to 60m using LED technology rather than laser! By using LED rather than laser we can give the sensor a “Field of View” so that, rather than measuring distance based on a very small point of light, the sensor measures over an area. (At 1m distance the area is approximately 3cm by 3cm. At 10m it is approximately 30cm by 30cm, increasing linearly with range.) For many applications, especially in robotics, this is a significant advantage and provides a more appropriate and stable data stream. In addition to TeraRanger Evo, we also showed the TeraRanger Hub, with its unique plug and play modularity for using multiple sensors to create selective point clouds.
Having returned from iREX our team is now busy processing the sales leads and planning our 2018 events schedule.

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