Evo ToF Sensor Evaluation Kit - Distance sensing has never been easier!

structured light sensor camera

The modular, high-performance and easy-to-use Time-of-Flight sensing kit - Ideal for research and development purposes.

The kit is built on our modular Evo sensor family and includes 3 different Time-of-Flight sensor modules: TeraRanger Evo 60m (long-range), TeraRanger Evo 3m (short-range) and TeraRanger Evo 64px (8x8 depth resolution for movement detection).

The modular two-part design of Evo sensors allows quick testing and prototyping with a variety of interfaces including USB, UART, and I2C. Just clip-on your preferred interface backboard to any Evo sensor. No additional calibration is required as the sensors stream factory calibrated distance values in millimeters, out of the box.
Total: 270.00 ex. VAT
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