COVID products

Mitigate COVID-19 risks, improve safety & efficiency!

As COVID-19 marches across the globe, devastating lives and economies with equal disregard, technology must play an important role in reducing the chaos. Discover new propositions from Tredecile to meet the challenge.
Social distancing

Our solutions

1. Fast Screening to identify people with fever — Automated and contactless system to quickly identify people with a possible fever. Use at entrances to buildings, offices, and shops to identify those who may pose a risk and who should undergo medical screening. Give confidence those allowed in are likely to be healthy.

2. People Density Calculator for defined areas and buildings — Monitor the number of people entering and leaving to ensure your shops, spaces or buildings are not too crowded, but also not too empty with automated signage to show when to enter and when to wait.

3.Workplace distancing and encounter tracking — Once people return to work, enable them to keep safe distances from one another to maintain their health and productivity. In the event of a positive virus case, immediately trace all other potentially infected people for containment measures.

4. Contactless interfaces — Open doors, flush toilets, interact with screens and other devices in the public domain without touching them! Use contactless gesture control to avoid cross-contamination and the spread of the virus. Learn more…

Tredecile is proud to be the first French company incubated in the BIC of CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Technologies Innogex, and to have performed 40+ months of joint projects on leading-edge physics for sensor technology and sensor-based solutions.

What next?

If you need to safeguard human health, protect jobs and assist with the economic recovery, contact us. Our experienced team will listen to your needs and offer you advice on the most suitable solutions in these challenging times.

1. Fast screening to identify people with fever

Do you need to quickly screen people who may have a fever? Tredecile’s Fever Screening solution enables you to quickly locate people who may have a fever and pose a health risk to others.
Fever Screening Solution

Product overview:

● Rapid temperature screening station to detect people who may have a fever
● Uses contactless, thermal imaging technology to detect facial temperatures, optimized for 30 to 50cm distances, based on sensor fusion of the latest thermal imaging and 3D Time-of-Flight sensor technologies
● User looks at the screening station. At the optimum moment, facial temperature is measured
● Our advanced algorithm locates and tracks the best area of the face from which to take the temperature reading
● Within a couple of seconds, the temperature is displayed on the display screen
● The system is portable, contactless and 100% anonymous. It does not use facial recognition or capture unique identities.

Customer benefits:

● Extremely low-cost solution compared to other thermal imaging devices
● Removes the need for staff to take people’s temperatures with hand-held devices
● As easy to install as a picture frame
● Ideal for government buildings, shops, schools, post offices, banks, restaurants, hospitals, public transport, and many more locations
● GDPR compliant by design. Respects personal privacy protection regulations
● Use beyond Covid: can be used as a mirror and can quickly identify people who may have a fever in the event of another pandemic or seasonal flu

2. People Density Calculator for defined areas and buildings

Ensure the people density of shops, buildings and other defined indoor areas remains at a level where social distancing measures can be maintained while complying with any potential laws and health obligations resulting from COVID-19.
building systems technology

Product overview:

Tredecile’s existing People Counting L devices monitor entrances and exits in shops and other buildings, counting the number of people entering and exiting the premises. A live count and calculation provides data on the people density per square meter. Data is sent to a local server where reports can be obtained for analysis and reporting.

Real-time data is linked to a visual and/or audio system to indicate when a person can enter, or when they must wait. Depending on the display, additional information can be broadcast.


● Show that safeguarding human health is your first concern by limiting access as needed, but with accurate data, you can also ensure that you run at the highest possible capacity, providing your customers with the best of both worlds — efficient yet safe services!
● Obtain automated occupancy and human traffic analysis
Ideal for government buildings, shops, schools, post offices, banks, hospitals, public transport and many more locations
● GDPR compliant. Zero concerns about personal privacy protection regulations
● Deploy your staff on more valuable work than monitoring entrances and exits
● Access reports for analysis and audit purposes
● Gain business insights into your peak periods and how to optimize your resources

3. Workplace Distancing and Encounter Tracking

Getting back to work is essential to family livelihoods and global economies, but it needs to be done safely. In a post-pandemic world, social distancing will remain important transferring from our private lives to our working lives, too.
body temperature sensor arduino

Product overview:

Tredecile radiofrequency two-way ranging technology tracks and logs the position of people relative to one another to ensure that safe distances are maintained. A configurable and industrial-grade ultra-wideband mesh network is automatically created in the workplace by each worker wearing a small device that perceives distance to colleagues. It provides far longer-ranging and greater accuracy than Bluetooth tracking and is ideally suited to professional applications.

The battery-operated wearable device triggers an audible and/or haptic feedback when two or more people are getting too close to one another and stores the device ID’s and the time of the ‘close encounter’ in its internal memory. At the end of the working day, the wearable devices are docked for recharge and data download. The stored data can be analyzed, and in the event of a worker falling ill, it will be possible to track which workers had risky encounters and when, allowing for mitigation measures, such as quarantine, to be put in place.

Customer benefits:

● High precision (10cm) and range (tens of meters) compared to Bluetooth mobile phone apps
● Industrial-grade: Ideal for factories, warehouses, construction sites and other environments
● Eliminate the guesswork from maintaining safe working distances
● Give your staff the tools and the confidence to work at maximum productivity
● Encounter analysis to track incidents and enforce health-protection measures
● Complete database with all ‘risky’ encounters logged

4. Contactless Interfaces

One way to reduce the spread of viruses is to limit the number of things we touch that other people may also touch. Contactless people and gesture recognition capabilities can be used to open doors, interact with digital information panels and activate many other systems.
gesture recognition


Tredecile multi-pixel Time-of-Flight sensors can detect the presence of a person and their proximity to a device as well as their direction of movement. Once a person is detected, the sensor switches to ‘gesture recognition mode’ to interpret broad-stroke gestures, including the sweep of a hand from left to right, right to left and a ‘push’ motion that simulates a mouse click. These simple commands are easy to explain in graphical form and easy for the public to perform
buildings technology


● 3 sensors in 1— Presence detection, people movement direction and gesture recognition
● Algorithms included for rapid integration to your systems
● Understand how many people interact with your system and when. Data can be sent to a database for analysis and reporting
● Small, discreet sensor (not a camera) is easy to integrate and GDPR compliant by design

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