covid sensing solutions

COVID-19 Mitigation Products

Technology solutions for mitigating COVID-19 in the workplace

Covid-19 has caused a global health and economic crisis. Organizations and businesses must now navigate the challenging path of returning to work and resuming operations whilst safeguarding employees, customers and suppliers, and remaining in compliance with new protocols. Tredecile has responded to this challenge by transforming its smart digital technology into innovative workplace solutions that mitigate contamination risk and infection spread.
How can we help you? How can we help you?
technological building

Markets and applications



Smart Industry


Public Spaces

Public places

Smart digital solutions to safeguard customers and employees

  • Workplace distancing & encounter tracking
  • People density control for defined areas & buildings
  • Fever screening systems
  • Contactless interfaces for safe human to machine interaction
Distance At Work 2

Tredecile Proximeter

With our radiofrequency Time-of-Flight ranging system your employees can resume normal operations whilst implementing required social distancing measures.

Putting tools in place to enable business operations to resume whilst respecting social distance requirements is one of the biggest challenges organizations face. With Tredecile’s Time-of-Flight ranging system, in the event of a distance breach, parties are alerted immediately with haptic and audible feedback. In addition IDs and timestamps are logged both on the device’s internal memory and on a remote server for long-term storage and analysis. Long-range LoRaWAN connectivity ensures smooth, secure, and low-cost device to server communications.

Tredecile fever screening mirror

Minimize risk of exposure to infection on your premises!

Implementing a fever detection and fever monitoring system may be an important and reasonable method for potentially identifying infected employees and mitigating the risk of either an outbreak within your workplace, or spreading the virus to customers and suppliers.
Dsc 0020
Supermarket Entrance 2

Tredecile people density calculator

Comply with social distancing requirements by managing occupancy limits for defined indoor spaces - accurately, anonymously and in real-time.

Tredecile’s innovative People Counting devices count the number of people entering and exiting a building, room or space. A user-configurable gateway calculates the people density and sends signals to your screen or other information kiosk to show when it is safe to enter or when to wait. This ensures that social distancing requirements are met efficiently and effectively, whilst guaranteeing that the premises are run at optimal capacity at all times.

Tredecile contactless interfaces

The introduction of contactless interfaces can help employers maintain Covid-safe working conditions. Tredecile’s Evo Swipe sensor can safely replace many commonplace control systems with gesture recognition.

The Tredecile Evo Swipe sensor is ideal for screens, kiosks and other commonplace control systems in the public domain. Users simply swipe their hand through the air, right to left, left to right, or up or down, to control machines, doors, information displays and many other systems. By eliminating the need to press buttons, pull levers, or click a mouse, risks of contamination and infection spread are significantly reduced.
Smart Screen 1

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Let’s talk!

Tredecile’s Covid-19 mitigation solutions are specially designed to safeguard customers and employees from risk of contamination and virus spread. For more information on any of our smart solutions simply contact a member of the Tredecile team using the form below.
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