Mobile Robotic Systems 1

Mobile robotics

Positioning and perception tools for your mobile robots

Are you looking for inexpensive alternatives to traditional robot positioning and navigation systems? Do you want to give your robots added perception and increased awareness?

Discover Tredecile’s low-cost solutions for cliff detection, distance sensing, relative and absolute positioning.
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arduino follow me robot

Markets and applications

IoT Solutions Providers

Industry 4.0 and smart factories

measuring body temperature

Warehousing and logistics

Human To Machine Interface

Healthcare and wellbeing robots

temperature camera

Commercial drone operations

Benefits for the end user

  • Adaptable, compact and inexpensive to implement
  • Improved robot perception and positioning
  • Enhanced human to robot interaction capabilities
  • Navigation without pre-mapped routes

Tredecile Follow-Me system

Simplify your operations, improve productivity and reduce the risk of accidents when transporting items from one place to another. Our follow-me system makes it easy for your mobile robots to follow their human operators.
Mobile Robotics 1
follow me robot arduino

Tredecile Robot Positioning System

Designed for accuracy, this enterprise-ready solution gives you absolute positioning, allowing your mobile robotics to navigate safely without pre-mapped routes.

TeraRanger Tower Evo

Looking for a lightweight, compact, high-speed anti-collision system for robot applications?

TeraRanger Tower Evo, a solid-state LiDAR system pointing in different directions, with increased robustness and silent operation, is ideal for fast-moving robotic applications, both on the ground and in the air.
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light sensor array
Sensor Modules

Making mobile robots smarter and safer

Mobile robots need the ability to efficiently navigate increasingly complex and constantly changing environments. Our distance sensors, rangefinders and 3D Time-of-Flight products are the ideal, flexible, and cost-effective way to give your robots added perception.
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We work with...

measuring body temperature
Robot manufacturers
Systems Integrators
Robot system integrators
Sales Agents
Partners and agents wanting to expand their offering locally

Let’s speak!

Our engineers have extensive experience in helping to automate platforms and processes and work extensively with mobile robot manufacturers. If you would like to integrate Tredecile technology to enable navigation, anti-collision, or follow-me functionalities into your mobile platforms, please contact us.
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