Applications - Customer & partner stories

Traffic monitoring with TeraRanger One distance sensor

Whilst our sensors are well known in the robotics and automation sectors, they are also beneficial for Internet of Things and other ‘smart’ applications. In this short white paper we show how a low-cost TeraRanger One distance sensor can be used for traffic monitoring, not only to detect the presence of a vehicle, but to also add an extra level of intelligence, simply using distance measurements.
optical sensor array

How did we do it?

With up to 1000 distance readings per second, not only could we count the cars passing at 110km/h, we could also get a representation of their size and profile!

Discover more and see the results in this free white paper.

If you require solutions for IoT applications, people, traffic or object monitoring, please contact us. We’ll be happy to explore the opportunity with you.
optical sensor array
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