Product launches

New application programming interface from Tredecile

Tredecile is excited to announce the launch of a new Application Programming Interface (API) designed to facilitate the integration of our sensors in client applications. The C++ library for Linux platforms enables connection and configuration of sensors and the collection of their data while simplifying the development process and providing transparency for new features and the reporting of bugs.
light sensor array

Previous problems with coding for sensors

Prior to the development of our API, users wishing to integrate our sensors were often implementing sample codes from the user manual. That can still be done, but with the new API, it is no longer necessary.

building system technology

Innovative API available for a number of Tredecile products

We have developed a library of Tredecile sensor interfaces available for the majority of our sensors:

  • Evo 60m
  • Evo 3m
  • Evo 64px
  • Evo Mini
  • TeraRanger Multiflex
  • Evo Tower
  • Evo Thermal 33
  • Evo Thermal 90

This library vastly simplifies client coding, delivering reliable results with huge savings on time spent on development.

The API enables high-level communication through function calls to access all the available features of the sensors, via a minimal amount of code rather than a full interface. This is much faster than developing low-level commands to set up the sensor and/or to capture data. It’s a real boon for developers, saving them significant time. Development of the API has also created consistency in the communication methods, making it easier than ever to work with and integrate the family of Tredecile sensor modules.

Don’t just take our word for it - get in touch!

If you would like to find out how Tredecile sensors can benefit your business, contact us and talk to our team of experts. Results of the API testing and development can be viewed here:

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